Projects 2023-2026

Indigenous communities strengthen and keep their culture and language alive

260 Indigenous Women from 14 communities in the Highlands of Chiapas who are embroiderers and weavers from the Cooperativa Jolom Maya Etik are implementing their Project Xkuxesel Jluchetik (Making our Designs Come to Life).

They are working to recover ancient designs used in weaving and embroidery that are at risk of being lost. The women are documenting their meanings because "these designs are vital to our identity as Indigenous communities". Click here to see the progress in 2024.

Project Partner: Cooperativa Jolom Maya Etik


Ach’ Lequilc’op Tseltal Community Radio, with an audience of 40,000 people, become a stronger communications platform — providing communities direct access to relevant information and vital educational programming originally in the Tseltal language about sustainable living, Indigenous rights, and traditional knowledge and culture. Click here to see its progress in 2024.

Tseltal Radio has given women in Chiapas an unprecedented opportunity to develop themselves as broadcasters and reporters, elevating their voices and those of many other women to break down walls of exclusion!

Project Partner:
Centro de Apoyo Educativo para la Comunidad


Indigenous women advance gender equity and economic autonomy


150 Tseltal women from 10 communities improve the nutrition of their families and reduce gender inequalities by growing healthy food, generating incomes, and making decisions about how they manage and invest their earnings.

Click here to see the progress in 2024.

Project Partner:
Centro de Formación Integral para Promotores Indígenas


Scoring Goals for Equality is a project where 25 young girls from Santiago El Pinar in Chiapas play soccer and strengthen their abilities and skills to take control of their lives.

Young girls build a competitive and exemplary soccer team, improve their physical and emotional health, learn and exercise their rights, identify their skills to build entrepreneurial ideas, and promote their team in their community.

Project Partner:
Centro de Formación Integral para Promotores Indígenas


30 Tsotsil families from 2 communities improve their children’s health and their families’ nutrition by constructing rainwater catchment systems in their homes, improving habits of hygiene, and growing more nutritious food.

Click here to see the progress in 2024.

Project Partner:
Centro de Investigación y Servicios Profesionales


Indigenous children and families access to safe water and public health services


6,000 Tseltal and Tsotsil children and adolescents from 27 rural schools in the Chiapas Highlands have access to clean water and sanitation in their schools and learn new habits of healthy eating and hygiene.

Click here to see the progress in 2024.

Project Partner:
Fundación Cántaro Azul


Vulnerable people from Chiapas (women, Indigenous, and monolingual, poor in economic resources, no schooling, and no support network) with advanced disease or health needs are accompanied and supported to use public hospitals in Chiapas, ensuring adequate care and a positive experience.

Click here to learn more.

 Project Partner:


Environmental education and conservation


Go Birding (Salir a Pajarear) is a pioneering environmental education program on the Yucatan Peninsula that engages Maya children in birding and environmental education activities to awaken a deep respect and appreciation for their native lands and involves them in direct efforts to conserve and steward habitat in their rural communities.

Click here to see the progress in 2024.

Project Partner:
Transformation, Art, and Education (TAE)