The Jolom Mayaetik (Mayan weavers) embroiderers and weavers cooperative is made up of 260 women organized into 13 groups from 5 municipalities in the highlands of Chiapas.

This group of talented women decided that they would take control of their work, their payments, their livelihoods, and their artistic heritage. In 1997, they founded their own cooperative called Jolom Mayaetik. The women came together and formed a name and, a brand. They opened a store together. Because of this, they now receive large orders and have many customers. Other stores buy from them. Their business grows. They set their own prices. They cut out the middle-man and earn the profits for themselves, their families, and their communities.

The highest authority of the Cooperative is the Assembly where all the members from different municipalities (San Andrés Larrainzar, Pantelhó, Chenalhó, Oxchuc, and San Juan Chamula). It also has a board of directors made up of a president, secretary, and treasurer who are in charge of managing and coordinating all the organizational, productive, and commercial activities of the cooperative.

Learn more about JOLOM Mayaetik here!