Voces Mesoamericanas: Acción con Pueblos Migrantes

Voces Mesoamericanas is a civil organization with 10 years of experience through various programs that focus on Indigenous women and men affected by migration and other challenges in the region of the Mexico-Guatemala border.
In 2015 they formed the School of Indigenous Migrant Women "Sjamel jol ko'tontik li antsotike" (“opening the hearts and minds of us women”), with an initial class of 45 women, 23 of whom concluded the program in 2018. The success of this program gave birth to a School of Masculinity beginning in 2019, which focuses on engaging men in the work to build equitable communities.
Learn more about Voces Mesoamericanas at their website!
Checkout their projects, updates, and hard work on their Facebook and Instagram!
Experience some of their life-changing projects by watching their Youtube videos!